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#1598 — production mis-matches

[The Version of this bug should be Rev 16.]

In a few cases (I believe this bug lists all of them),
a production appearing in a Static Semantics section
does not match the production as defined in a Syntax section.


13.1 / Syntax
FunctionBody : FunctionStatementList

which is not matched by: / Static Semantics: VarDeclaredNames / rule 2
FunctionBody : [empty] / Static Semantics: VarDeclaredNames / rule 3
FunctionBody : StatementList / Runtime Semantics: EvaluateBody / rule 1
FunctionBody : FunctionStatementList_opt

In the first two, just change 'FunctionBody' to 'FunctionStatementList'.

For the third, delete the "opt".
Also. in the associated algorithm, step 2 says:
If FunctionStatementList is not present, then return
but FunctionStatementList isn't optional, so can't be absent.
Change the condition to something like:
If the FunctionStatementList derives [empty], ...

(Mind you, I'm not sure why FunctionStatementList exists.
The spec used to say
FunctionBody : StatementList_opt
and I can't see any reason why that wouldn't still work.)


13.3 / Syntax
MethodDefinition :
PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }

which is not matched by: / Static Semantics: PropName / rule 1
MethodDefinition :
PropertyName ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } / Static Semantics: ReferencesSuper / rule 1
MethodDefinition :
PropertyName ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }

Change "FormalParameters" to "StrictFormalParameters" in those
two productions, and also in the algorithm that accompanies
the second.


13.4 / Syntax
GeneratorMethod :
* PropertyName ( StrictFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }

which is not matched by: / Static Semantics: PropName / rule 1
GeneratorMethod :
* PropertyName ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } / Static Semantics: ReferencesSuper / rule 1
GeneratorMethod :
* PropertyName ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody }

As in the above group.


fixed in rev19 editor's draft

fixed in rev19