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#1869 — Implicit ToObject() conversion in destructuring still present for some productions

For consistency with destructuring assignment, the following algorithms should be changed to throw a TypeError instead of performing ToObject(): Array Comprehension
Runtime Semantics: Binding Initialisation
- step 1 uses ToObject() Runtime Semantics
Runtime Semantics: For In/Of Expression Evaluation Abstract Operation
- step 3.h.iii.2 uses ToObject()

12.14.2 Runtime Semantics
Runtime Semantics: Binding Initialisation
- step 1 uses ToObject()

For example `for (var [head, ...tail] of ["123"]) {print(tail)}` currently prints "2,3" whereas the similar assignment `var [head, ...tail] = "123"` throws a TypeError.

rev19 update: ToObject() removed from

- Runtime Semantics: ForIn/OfBodyEvaluation
- 13.14.3 Runtime Semantics: BindingInitialisation

That means only " Runtime Semantics: BindingInitialisation" still calls ToObject() in a destructuring context.

fixed in rev20 editor's draft

fixed in rev20 draft, Oct. 28, 2013