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#2064 — CreateBuiltinFunction: Add call to AddRestrictedFunctionProperties? CreateBuiltinFunction does not automatically poison pill .caller and .arguments, maybe add call to AddRestrictedFunctionProperties()?

Currently the AddRestrictedFunctionProperties() call for built-in functions is described in ch17, what if ch17 was changed to say that all built-in functions are created by a call to CreateBuiltinFunction() and CreateBuiltinFunction() automatically calls AddRestrictedFunctionProperties()? Then "9.2.6 Built-in Function Objects" can be simplified to say that built-in functions to use the ordinary [[Get]] and [[GetOwnProperty]] behaviour.

fixed in rev20 editor's draft

I suspect this is an area where we will keep tinkering until it feels just right.

fixed in rev20 draft, Oct. 28, 2013