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#2183 — 9.5, Internal state of revoked Proxies does not match description

9.5 Proxy Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots, 1st paragraph, 3rd paragraph:

> Every proxy object also has an internal slot called [[ProxyTarget]] whose value is either an object or the null value. [...]

> When a proxy is revoked, its [[ProxyHander]] internal slot is set to a special revoked proxy handler object and its [[ProxyTarget]] internal slot is set to null. [...]

Description needs to be updated to state that `[[ProxyHander]]` and `[[ProxyTarget]]` are both set to `undefined`.

fixed in rev21 editor's draft

I actually left that text alone and changed to using null as the value that [[ProxyTarget]] and [[ProxyHandler]] get set to upon revocation.

That was the original intent.

However, I don't believe that this is actually an observable difference.

fixed in rev21 draft