Abstract operations defined under section "9.5 Proxy Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots" have initial steps that throw an exception when the [[ProxyHandler]] has an invalid value (it's done during the first 2 or 3 steps of each algorithm).
The 'invalid value' is inconsistent throughout the abstract operations. This looks like a mistake.
The following compare [[ProxyHandler]] to null:
The following compare [[ProxyHandler] to undefined:
Note that [[Get]] and [[Set]] perform different checks.
It looks like all checks should be against null.
This issue was found in the ES6 specs draft of November 8, 2013
( http://wiki.ecmascript.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=harmony%3Aspecification_drafts&cache=cache&media=harmony:working_draft_ecma-262_edition_6_11-08-13.pdf )
I could not pick this version from the version list while filling this bug.
fixed in rev22 editor's draft
fixed in Rev22 (January 20, 2013) release