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#2229 — 14.6.1: various

In 14.6.1 "Static Semantics: Tail Position", ...

-- Since it isn't keyed on a particular production, it seems to me it should be presented as an abstract operation.

-- There's an inconsistency re "nonterminal" vs "nonTerminal". Pick one and change occurrences of the other. (I think the lower-case "t" is better.) (Similarly in 14.6.2.)

-- Step 6 sets metavariable 'has', but nothing happens to it. Return it?

And step 2 says:
If the source code match nonterminal is not strict code, then return false.

Change "match" to "matching".

fixed in rev22 editor's draft

fixed in Rev22 (January 20, 2013) release