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#2484 — 9.2.4 [[Call]]: Use callee's realm for ToObject() operation

9.2.4 [[Call]] (thisArgument, argumentsList), step 9.b.iii:

> Else if Type(thisArgument) is not Object, set the thisValue to ToObject(thisArg ument).

At this point in the algorithm the `calleeContext` execution context is not yet activated, so it's not the top element of the execution context stack. That also means the ToObject() operation does not create a primitive wrapper from the callee's realm, but instead from the caller's realm. That seems to be wrong, the primitive wrapper should be an object of the callee's realm.

test case:
let foreign = new Realm();
foreign.eval("function returnThis() { return this }"); ===;

And related: The realm for the ReferenceError thrown from NewFunctionEnvironment, step 5b, when [[Call]] calls NewFunctionEnvironment in step 9c.

fixed in rev23 editor's draft

wrapper objects now come from callee Realm.

I think its appropriate for the ReferenceError object to come from the caller Realm. The exception was triggered by a caller action (making the call) and is being immediately thrown back to the caller.

fixed in rev23 draft