In 9.2.3 "FunctionAllocate Abstract Operation":
9.2.3 / step 8:
Set /F/'s [[Call]] internal method to the definition specified in 9.2.1.
Change "9.2.1" to "9.2.4".
In 9.2.5 "FunctionInitialise Abstract Operation":
9.2.5 / step 9:
If /kind/ is Arrow, then set the [[ThisMode]] internal slot of /F/ to lexical.
Put "Arrow" in sans-serif.
Put "lexical" in sans-serif.
In 9.2.11 "SetFunctionName Abstract Operation":
9.2.11 / step 3.a:
Let /description/ be the values of /name/'s [[Description]].
After "[[Description]]", insert "attribute".
In 9.2.12 "GetSuperBinding(obj) Abstract Operation":
GetSuperBinding() is never used.
s|GetSuperBinding|GetSuperBase| ?
In 9.2.13 "CloneMethod(function, newHome, newName) Abstract Operation":
9.2.13 / para 1:
The abstract operation Clone is called with ...
9.2.13 / step 3:
Assert: Type(newName) one of Undefined, String, or Symbol.
Insert "is" before "one of".
9.2.13 / step 5:
If the value of function's [[NeedsSuper]] internal slot is true, then
This should be step 6.
In 9.3.2 "CreateBuiltinFunction(realm, steps) Abstract Operation":
9.3.2 / step 3:
Let /func/ be a new built-in function object that
when called performs the action described by /steps/.
The [[Realm]] internal slot of /func/ is step to /realm/.
Split this step into two steps.
s|step|set| (= Bug 2422)
In the second sentence, change passive voice to active:
Set the [[Realm]] internal slot of /func/ to /realm/.
In "ArrayCreate(length) Abstract Operation":
Parameter list in section header omits 'proto'.
In "[[Enumerate]] ()":
No algorithm.
In "[[OwnPropertyKeys]] ( )":
No algorithm.
In "[[Enumerate]] ()":
No algorithm.
In "[[OwnPropertyKeys]] ()":
No algorithm.
In "IntegerIndexedElementGet ( O, index ) Abstract Operation":
This algorithm has no preamble. / step 8:
Let /arrayTypeName/ be the string value /O/'s [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot.
After "value", insert "of"
In "IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value ) Abstract Operation":
This algorithm has no preamble. / step 10:
Let /arrayTypeName/ be the string value /O/'s [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot.
After "value", insert "of"
fixed in rev25 editor's draft
confirmed fixed except for things I re-raised
as Bug 2952, Bug 2953, and Bug 2954.