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#2617 — RegExp.prototype.replace: Call replacer function after all matches were found RegExp.prototype.replace ( string, replaceValue ):

For ECMAScript 5 and browser compatibility, RegExp.prototype.replace needs to call the replacer function after all matches were found.

Test case:

Simplified test case:
r = /x/g;
'0x2x4x6x8'.replace(r, function(){ print(r.lastIndex) })

Expected: Prints four times 0
Actual: Prints 2, 4, 6, 8

Tested in: SpiderMonkey, JSC, V8, IE11, Nashorn

Different test case which is currently broken when following spec algorithm:
var g_rx = /test/g;
"test-string".replace(g_rx, function() { g_rx.lastIndex = 0; return "a" });

Expected: "a-string"
Actual: attempt to retrieve invalid substring from [start=4, end=0]

fixed in rev24 editor's draft

fixed in rev24