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#2634 — Algorithm indentation bugs (steps ending with "then" but with no nested list of substeps)

These are all "If ..., then" steps with no consequent:

* in 7.3.16 step 5
(the bug Michael Dyck found)
* in 9.2.13 step 12.a
* in, last algorithm, step 5.c
* in step 4
Note that in this case, steps 4-6 can just be deleted; they're
redundant with step 7.
* in B.3.2 step 2.b.iv
(new code in rev 23)

9.2.13 should be 9.2.14

fixed in rev24 editor's draft

B.3.2 step 2.b.iv is still broken in rev24.

fixed in rev24

Reopening due to leftover noted in comment 2.

In rev25, the case noted in comment 2 is now at
B.3.2 / step 2.a.ii.4.4

the line in B.3.2 (now B.3.3) has been eliminated in rev26

in rev26 draft