This is the same issue as in bug 2338. Draft rev23 added a lookahead restriction, but the issue still persists.
For the input token sequence "new super ( )" it cannot be decided if it has to parsed as:
- LeftHandSideExpression[CallExpression[ MemberExpression["new super"] "( )"]]
- or as LeftHandSideExpression[MemberExpression["new super ( )"]]
Shouldn't it be possible to resolve this issue by moving "new super" without optional arguments to NewExpression? That way no lookahead restriction is required and it's still possible to use "new super" as a standalone expression.
MemberExpression [ Expression ]
MemberExpression . IdentifierName
MemberExpression TemplateLiteral
super [ Expression ]
super . IdentifierName
new super Arguments
new MemberExpression Arguments
new NewExpression
new super
Simplified grammar to show the shift/reduce conflict:
%start leftHandSideExpression
%token SUPER "super"
%token NEW "new"
leftHandSideExpression : newExpression
| callExpression
arguments : '(' ')' ;
callExpression : memberExpression arguments ;
newExpression : memberExpression ;
memberExpression : NEW SUPER arguments
this looks pretty good and preserves the grammar structure from before the addition of super
fixed in rev24 editor's draft
fixed in rev24