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#2737 — ComprehensionComponentEvaluation, ForIn/OfExpressionEvaluation: Align behaviour for iteration over undefined/null? Runtime Semantics: ComprehensionComponentEvaluation Runtime Semantics: ForIn/OfExpressionEvaluation Abstract Operation

for-of statement iteration follows the legacy for-in statement behaviour w.r.t to undefined/null, that means undefined/null values are silently ignored. Comprehension iteration throws a type error for undefined/null.

It may make sense to give the same behaviour for any for-of iteration, may it be in a for-of statement or in a for-of comprehension. To provide the same behaviour in for-of statement as in for-in statement seems less important.

fixed in rev25 editor's draft

made comprehensions do 0 iterations if value of for-of expression is undefined or null to be consistent with for-in/of statements.

fixed in rev25 editor's draft

Didn't you reverse this? Reopen, or new bug with bug # citation here?


(In reply to comment #3)
> Didn't you reverse this? Reopen, or new bug with bug # citation here?

yes, made the edit yesterday.

This changed was backed out in rev26 along with removing the similar behavior for for-of based upon TC39 review of the issue.

Changing to resolved-wontfix