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#2864 — UnicodeEscapeSequence and Contextual Keywords

In 11.6.2, we have:

"Code point in a ReservedWord can not be expressed by a \ UnicodeEscapeSequence"

but there appears to be no such restriction for contextual keywords. Is this intentional?


Contextual keys are expressed in the grammar as literal character sequences that do not include unicode escape sequences. The same is true of ReservedWord. In all places where unicode escapes are allowed (summarized in the NOTE in clause 10), they are explicitly enumerated by the grammar.

It's probably best to turn the text you quote in 11.6.2 into a NOTE so that it doesn't carry any implication that it might not apply to contextual keywords,

Got it. I agree that changing that text into a note would probably be helpful to the reader.


fixed in rev25 editor's draft

fixed in rev25 editor's draft