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#29 — S15.4.4.2_A2_T1.js and S15.4.4.3_A2_T1.js are invalid (ES3=>ES5 change)

S15.4.4.2_A2_T1 contains the following:
var obj = {};
obj.toString = Array.prototype.toString;

try {
$ERROR('#1.1: var obj = {}; obj.toString = Array.prototype.toString; obj.toString() throw TypeError. Actual: ' + (obj.toString()));
} catch(e) {
if ((e instanceof TypeError) !== true) {
$ERROR('#1.2: var obj = {}; obj.toString = Array.prototype.toString; obj.toString() throw TypeError. Actual: ' + (e));

According to ES5.1 (, this test which is checking to ensure Array.prototype.toString is *not* generic is now invalid:
NOTE The toString function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its this value be an Array object. Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Whether the toString function can be applied successfully to a host object is implementation-dependent.

Step 3 of guarantees the snippet above will in fact not throw an exception.

Fixed at