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#3231 — 7.3.11, 7.3.12,, Different placeholder for pendingException

7.3.11 SetIntegrityLevel (O, level)
7.3.12 TestIntegrityLevel (O, level) Object.assign ( target, ...sources ) Runtime Semantics: ObjectDefineProperties Abstract Operation

`undefined` as a placeholder for `pendingException` seems to confuse readers, it's unclear to them whether `undefined` is the ECMAScript value `undefined` or should be treated as a standalone value like `empty`. This issue often arises when implementing the algorithms in ECMAScript code (sketched as options A and B below).

A) `undefined` as the ECMAScript value `undefined`:
var pendingException = undefined;
for (...) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (pendingException === undefined) {
pendingException = e;
if (pendingException !== undefined) {
throw pendingException;

B) `undefined` as a standalone value:
var pendingException;
var hasPendingException = false;
for (...) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!hasPendingException) {
hasPendingException = true;
pendingException = e;
if (hasPendingException) {
throw pendingException;

fixed in rev28 editor's draft

now use 'empty' to indicate "no pendingExeption value"

fixed in rev28