So that it can use "super" keyword fully without using the class syntax by "Function.prototype.toMethod", I want to inherit [[CreateAction]] without using the "extends" keyword.
When the toSubConstructor method is called on an object func with argument superF the following steps are taken:
1. Let newF be a new ECMAScript function object that has all of the same internal methods and internal slots as func.
2. If superF has a [[CreateAction]] internal slot, then
a. Set the value of newF’s [[CreateAction]] internal slot to have the same value as superF’s [[CreateAction]] internal slot.
3. Return newF.
note, a class declaration of the form:
class F extends superF {
constructor() {
is mostly equivalent to
function F() {
F.__proto__ = superF
F.prototype.__proto__ = superF.prototype
so you can just use that form of class syntax to define such functions.
both [[ClassAction]] and toMethod are gone from the ES6 spec.
so, the particulars of this suggest really aren't applicable any longer