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#3372 — 19.2.{2,4} Functions: Typos

19.2.2 Preamble:

> constructor and argumentsList of performs

Remove "of"

Also present in 19.3.2, 19.4.2, 19.5.2,, 20.1.2, 20.3.3, 21.1.2, 21.2.4, 22.1.2, 22.2.2, 23.1.2, 23.2.2, 23.3.2, 23.4.2, 24.2.3, 25.2.2, 25.2.4, 25.4.4

19.2.4 Function Instances, 1st para.

- ".Table 29" -> "Table 29."
- "Function.prototype.bind method" : Change font style of "method" to normal

fixed in rev29 editor's draft

fixed in rev29