While performing a Math.round() calculation on any decimal between -0.5 and zero, the Math.round() function returns NEGATIVE ZERO.
Behavior verified on Mac OSX 10.9.5, on:
Google Chrome 9.0.2171.71
Mozilla Firefox 33.1 & 34.0
Expected behavior observed on:
Safari Version 7.1 (9537.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Open the JavaScript console in a current browser.
2) Enter: Math.round(-0.5)
Actual Results:
Expected Results:
Additional Information:
The negative sign does not break any Math-based calculations that I am aware of, but if you are expecting a number that you can use as an index in an array, the index will not be found.
note that
is equivalent to
Don't think we want to change Math.round semantics at this point, but proposals can be made on es-discuss.