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#3599 — 5.1.4, 5.3, 11, 11.9.1: Mention "Module" in addition to "Script"

5.1.4 The Syntactic Grammar

1st para: "goal symbol Script"
2nd para: "an ECMAScript script"
2nd para: "goal nonterminal Script"
2nd para: "The script is syntactically"
4th para: "as correct ECMAScript scripts"
5th para: "not valid ECMAScript scripts"
5th para: "The script is syntactically"

5.3 Static Semantic Rules

1st para: "a valid ECMAScript script"

11 ECMAScript Language: Lexical Grammar

1st para: "of an ECMAScript script "

11.9.1 Rules of Automatic Semicolon Insertion

- Multiple references to "script"

Does it make sense to amend these sections to
(1) mention the goal symbol "Module"
(2) change "ECMAScript script(s)" to "ECMAScript program(s)" ?

fixed in rev32 editor's draft

fixed in rev32 draft