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#3823 — chapter 8: misc editorial

In "DeleteBinding (N)":

{1} / step 5.c.i:
Let /varNames/ be /envRec/.[[VarNames]] List.

Delete "List".

In "GetBindingValue(N,S)":

{2} / step 3.a:
Assert: /M/ and /N2/ are the indirection values provided when this binding for
/N/ was created.

This is a misuse of Assert.
Change to "Let /M/ and /N2/ be the indirection..."

In "NewGlobalEnvironment ( G ) Abstract Operation":

{3} / step 3:
Set /objRec/'s /unscopables/ to an empty List.

'unscopables' isn't a component of object environment record any more.
Delete the step.

In 8.2.2 "CreateIntrinsics ( realmRec ) Abstract Operation":

8.2.2 / step 5:
Let /throwerSteps/ be the algorithm steps of the %ThrowTypeError% function

It's slightly incongruous to refer to the steps of a function
that hasn't been created yet.
Of course, the algorithm exists, even though the function doesn't.
Maybe change "of" to "specified for".

8.2.2 / step 9:
Let /funcProto/ be the CreateBuiltinFunction(/realmRec/, /noSteps/, /objProto/).

Delete extraneous "the"

In 8.2.3 "SetRealmGlobalObj ( realmRec, globalObj ) Abstract Operation":

8.2.3 / step 3 + 4:
Set /realmRec/.[[globalThis]] to /newGlobal/.
Let /newGlobalEnv/ be NewGlobalEnvironment(/newGlobal/).

'newGlobal' isn't defined. s|newGlobal|globalObj|

In 8.4.1 "EnqueueJob ( queueName, job, arguments) Abstract Operation":

8.4.1 / step 7:
Perform any implementation or host environment defined processing of /pending/.
This may including modify the [[HostDefined]] field ...

s|including modify|include modifying|

In 8.5 "Initialization":

8.5 / header:

Add "()" to indicate no parameters.

8.5 / step 8.a.ii, 8.b.i:
EnqueueJob("ScriptJobs", ScriptEvaluationJob, <</sourceCodeId/>>).
EnqueueJob("ScriptJobs", ModuleEvaluationJob, <</sourceCodeId/ >>).

For consistency with other invocations, insert "Perform" before "EnqueueJob"

In 8.5.1 "InitializeFirstRealm ( realm ) Abstract Operation":

8.5.1 / step 3:
Perform SetRealmGlobalObject(/realm/, /global/).

(or change the name of the abstract operation)


fixed in rev33 editor's draft

fixed in rev33