13.3.3 Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString ([locales [, options ]])
Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after `thisTimeValue` in step 1.
"then" in step 2 should be elided:
> 2. If x is NaN, return "Invalid Date".
Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after ToDateTimeOptions in step 3.
Typo in step 5, replace comma with full stop.
Steps 6-8 can be merged:
> 6. Return FormatDateTime(timeFormat, x).
13.3.3 Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString ([locales [, options ]])
> Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after `thisTimeValue` in step 1.
"then" in step 2 should be elided:
> 2. If x is NaN, return "Invalid Date".
> Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after ToDateTimeOptions in step 3.
> Typo in step 5, replace comma with full stop.
Steps 6-8 can be merged:
> 6. Return FormatDateTime(timeFormat, x).