10.3.3 Intl.Collator.prototype.compare
Step 2: Delete colon
Change 2.a.i: Omit "then"
Change 2.a.ii: Omit "then"
Change 2.a.iii: Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after ToString
Change 2.a.iv: Missing ReturnIfAbrupt after ToString
Change 2.a.v: Omit "the result of".
Step 2.b: Missing .length (and .name property) for bound function (cf. bug 4288)
Step 2.a: Move to separate section? (cf. bug 4288)
--- Collator Compare Functions
A Collator compare function is an anonymous function that takes two arguments, x and y, and performs the following steps:
1. Let collator be the this value.
2. Assert: Type(collator) is Object and collator has an [[initializedCollator]] internal slot whose value is true.
3. If x is not provided, let x be undefined.
4. If y is not provided, let y be undefined.
5. Let X be ToString(x).
6. ReturnIfAbrupt(X).
7. Let Y be ToString(y).
8. ReturnIfAbrupt(Y).
9. Return CompareStrings(collator, X, Y).