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#458 — 12.2.1: missing "of"

In 12.2.1 "Let and Const Declarations",
under "Runtime Semantics: Binding Initialisation",
step 1.a says:
"Let name be String Value Identifier."

Insert "of" before "Identifier".

corrected in editor's draft

I've been somewhat noncommittal about whether a "of" should always be used in the pattern for invoking a semantic routine on a production. I'm going to try to consistently use the "of"

> I've been somewhat noncommittal about whether a "of" should always be used
> in the pattern for invoking a semantic routine on a production.

Really? I think this is the only example where I expected to see it but didn't.
(Oh, just found another: "... if ReferencesSuper MethodDefinition is true."
in 11.1.5.)

One variation I *did* notice (in the patterns for invoking semantic routines)
was whether to use "the".
Let names be VarDeclaredNames of X.
Let names be the VarDeclaredNames of X.
Wasn't sure if I should bring it up.