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#481 — 8.6.2 Object Internal Properties and Methods: use ordinary object?

In the paragraph:

"Table 8 summarises the internal properties used by this specification that are applicable to all ECMAScript
objects. Table 9 summarises the internal properties used by this specification that are only applicable to some ECMAScript objects."

Should uses of "ECMAScript object" be updated to "ordinary object"?

probably not, because the properties in table 8 apply to both ordinary and exotic objects.

We don't really have a formal definition of "ECMAScript object". Maybe we do...informally "ECMAScript object" and"object" mean essentially the same thing.

The table titles and the text that refer to them have changed over time.

In rev20 editor's draft eliminated all potentially confusing uses of "ECMAScript object"

fixed in rev20 draft, Oct. 28, 2013