In 13.6.2 [[Construct]],
step 5 says:
Let /result/ be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal property of
/F/, providing /obj/ as the *this* value and providing the argument list
passed into [[Construct]] as /args/.
1. [[Call]] doesn't have a parameter named /args/, it has a parameter named
/argumentsList/. (See bug 563.)
2. There's now a name for
"the argument list passed into [[Construct]]"
As with [[Call]], it's /argumentsList/.
Combining these two, change:
providing the argument list passed into [[Construct]] as /args/
providing /obj/ as the this value and providing /argumentsList/
as /argumentsList/.
If you don't like the repetition of /argumentsList/ at the end, you could change the parameter name for [[Call]] or [[Construct]], or you could just avoid mentioning [[Call]]'s parameter names:
providing /obj/ and /argumentsList/
Whoops, I should have said...
Combining these two, change:
providing the argument list passed into [[Construct]] as /args/.
providing /argumentsList/ as /argumentsList/.
corrected in rev 11 editor's draft
in October 26, 2012 release draft