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#780 — 11.2.4: "whose thisValue."

In 11.2.4 "The super Keyword",
under "Runtime Semantics: Evaluation",
rule 2 step 8 and rule 3 step 8 say:
[...] a value of type Reference that is a Super Reference
whose base value is <var>baseValue</var>,
whose referenced name is <var>propertyKey</var>,
whose thisValue.

The sentence has been cut off.
My guess is, it should end the way rule 1 step 10 does.

corrected in rev 11 editor's draft

in October 26, 2012 release draft

Sorry, I didn't notice that this problem also appears in rule *3* step 8.
So rule 2 has been fixed, but rule 3 is still broken.

(In reply to comment #3)
> Sorry, I didn't notice that this problem also appears in rule *3* step 8.

(No wait, I *did* notice rule 3 -- I mentioned it in the original post.)

fixed in rev14