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#787 — use of ES operators in algorithms

When an algorithm uses a operator that is both a conventional mathematical operator and also an ECMAScript operator, it's not always clear which is meant.

My guess is that, in the absence of an obvious cross-reference (e.g. "the result of performing abstract equality comparison algorithm rval == lval"), operators are meant in the conventional mathematical sense. It would be good to clarify this.

You can also reduce the number of cases where confusion might arise:

Change ">=" to "≥" in:
10.6 / alg 1 / step 4
10.6 / alg 2 / step 7 / alg 1 / step 4 / alg 2 / step 4

Change "==" to "=" (or "equals") in: / bullets 7,8 / step 7 / IsWordChar / step 1 / CharacterSetMatcher / steps 1.2, 1.5a, 1.6a

Change "!==" to "≠" in: / step 2.d.vii

(Actually, "==" and "!==" aren't conventional mathematical operators, but I'm still guessing they aren't meant to be invocations of ECMAScript operators.)

correct in rev 11 editor's draft

in October 26, 2012 release draft