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#903 — 11.9.1: "strict equality comparison algorithm"

The spec is inconsistent on whether to capitalize "strict equality comparison algorithm". Usually, it is, so capitalize the 3 lower-case occurrences:

11.9.1 / Runtime Semantics: The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm / step 1.a
11.9.1 / Runtime Semantics: Evaluation / rule 3 / step 7
11.9.1 / Runtime Semantics: Evaluation / rule 4 / step 7


Given the above changes, you should probably also capitalize the occurrences of "abstract equality comparison algorithm":

11.9.1 / Runtime Semantics: Evaluation / rule 1 / step 7
11.9.1 / Runtime Semantics: Evaluation / rule 2 / step 7

fixed in rev 16 editor's draft

fixed in rev16 draft. July 15, 2013