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#920 — misc typos

In "eval(x)"...

Steps 6, 11.a, and 11.b refer to:
... the code that make the direct call to eval ...

Change "make" to "made".

Step 10 says:
If direct is true, staticScript is false, strictCaller is false, and
ctx’s LexicalEnvironment is the same as evalRealm.[[globalEnv]], then

Put 'ctx' in an italic font.

Step 11.a says:
... and ValidInFuction of script is false, ...

Change "ValidInFuction" to "ValidInFunction".

Step 14.a says:
Let strictVarEnv be the result of calling NewDeclarativeEnvironment
passing the LexicalEnvironment as the argument.

But "the LexicalEnvironment" is vague. Change to "lexEnv"?

corrected in rev 12 editor's draft

corrected in rev 12, Nov. 22, 2012 draft

(A): fixed.

(B): Not fixed. And sorry, the step is numbered 13, not 10 (because the algorithm's first step is numbered "4".)

(C): Not fixed. It's in 14.a, not 11.a.

(D): Mostly fixed, but you should change "the lexEnv" to just "lexEnv".

fixed in rev 16 editor's draft

fixed in rev16 draft. July 15, 2013