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#931 — Map/Set prototype.size needs to spec enumerabiliti

Currently Map.prototype.size and Set.prototype.size are underspecified. The [[Enumberable]] and [[Configurable]] should be false and true respectively.

Note that the last sentence of the last paragraph of the introduction to clause 15 says:

Every other property described in this clause has the attributes [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, and [[Configurable]]: true.

Sorry for the noise. I stopped reading that paragraph after seeing "length".

Maybe that part can be moved to its own paragraph?

Also, the spec talks about data properties [[Writable]] true. It should probably be made more generic to cover these new getters.

did some updates to clause 15 to address the clarity issues. In rev 12

corrected in rev 12, Nov. 22, 2012 draft