
Table of Contents

A Temporal.Instant is a single point in time (called "exact time"), with a precision in nanoseconds. No time zone or calendar information is present. To obtain local date/time units like year, month, day, or hour, a Temporal.Instant must be combined with a time zone identifier.

instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2020-01-01T00:00+05:30'); // => 2019-12-31T18:30:00Z
instant.epochNanoseconds; // => 1577817000000000000n

// `Temporal.Instant` lacks properties that depend on time zone or calendar
instant.year; // => undefined

zdtTokyo = instant.toZonedDateTimeISO('Asia/Tokyo'); // => 2020-01-01T03:30:00+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]
zdtTokyo.year; // => 2020
zdtTokyo.toPlainDate(); // => 2020-01-01

Temporal.Instant stores an integer count of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch of January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds. For interoperability with Date and other APIs, Temporal.Instant also offers conversion properties and methods for seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds since epoch. A Temporal.Instant can also be created from an ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 string like '2020-01-23T17:04:36.491865121-08:00' or '2020-01-24T01:04Z'.

Like Unix time, Temporal.Instant ignores leap seconds.

Interoperability with Date

Temporal.Instant is the easiest way to interoperate between Temporal objects and code using Date. Because Date and Temporal.Instant both use a time-since-epoch data model, conversions between them are zero-parameter method calls that are lossless (except sub-millisecond precision is truncated when converting to Date).

// Convert from `Temporal.Instant` to `Date` (which uses millisecond precision)
instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2020-01-01T00:00:00.123456789+05:30');
                                                           // => 2019-12-31T18:30:00.123456789Z
date = new Date(instant.epochMilliseconds);
date.toISOString();                                        // => 2019-12-31T18:30:00.123Z

// Convert from `Date` to `Temporal.Instant`
sameInstant = date.toTemporalInstant();                    // => 2019-12-31T18:30:00.123Z

A Date that's been converted to a Temporal.Instant can be easily converted to a Temporal.ZonedDateTime object by providing a time zone. From there, calendar and clock properties like day or hour are available. Conversions to narrower types like Temporal.PlainDate or Temporal.PlainTime are also provided.

date = new Date(2019, 11, 31, 18, 30);  // => Tue Dec 31 2019 18:30:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
instant = date.toTemporalInstant();     // => 2020-01-01T02:30:00Z
zonedDateTime = instant.toZonedDateTimeISO(Temporal.Now.timeZoneId());
                                        // => 2019-12-31T18:30:00-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
zonedDateTime.day;                      // => 31
dateOnly = zonedDateTime.toPlainDate(); // => 2019-12-31

Bugs in Date=>Temporal conversions can be caused by picking the wrong time zone when converting from Temporal.Instant to Temporal.ZonedDateTime. For example, the example above constructs the Date using local-timezone parameters, so it uses the system time zone: Temporal.Now.timeZoneId(). But if the Date had been initialized with a string like '2019-12-31', then getting the same date back in a Temporal.PlainDate would require using the 'UTC' time zone instead.

For discussion and code examples about picking the correct time zone, and also about Date<=>Temporal interoperability in general, see Converting between Temporal types and legacy Date in the documentation cookbook.


new Temporal.Instant(epochNanoseconds : bigint) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object.

Creates a new Temporal.Instant object that represents an exact time.

epochNanoseconds is the number of nanoseconds (10−9 seconds) from the Unix epoch of January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC until the desired exact time, ignoring leap seconds.

Use this constructor directly if you know the precise number of nanoseconds already and have it in bigint form, for example from a database. Otherwise, Temporal.Instant.from(), which accepts more kinds of input, is probably more convenient.

The range of allowed values for this type is the same as the old-style JavaScript Date, 100 million (108) days before or after the Unix epoch. This range covers approximately half a million years. If epochNanoseconds is outside of this range, a RangeError will be thrown.

Example usage:

instant = new Temporal.Instant(1553906700000000000n);
// When was the Unix epoch?
epoch = new Temporal.Instant(0n); // => 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
// Dates before the Unix epoch are negative
turnOfTheCentury = new Temporal.Instant(-2208988800000000000n); // => 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z

Static methods

Temporal.Instant.from(item: Temporal.Instant | string) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object.

This static method creates a new Temporal.Instant object from another value. If the value is another Temporal.Instant object, a new object representing the same exact time is returned.

Otherwise, the value must be a string, which is expected to be in ISO 8601 format, including a date, a time, and a time zone. The time zone name, if given, is ignored; only the time zone offset is taken into account.

Example usage:

instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30T01:45:00+01:00[Europe/Berlin]');
instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30T01:45+01:00');
instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30T00:45Z');
instant === Temporal.Instant.from(instant); // => false

// Not enough information to denote an exact time:
/* WRONG */ instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30'); // => throws, no time
/* WRONG */ instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30T01:45'); // => throws, no UTC offset

Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(epochMilliseconds: number) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object.

This static method creates a new Temporal.Instant object with milliseconds precision (i.e., zero values in all units smaller than a millisecond). epochMilliseconds is the number of milliseconds from the Unix epoch of January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC until the desired exact time, ignoring leap seconds.

The number of seconds or milliseconds since the Unix epoch is a common measure of exact time in many computer systems. Use this method if you need to interface with such a system.

The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch is also returned from the getTime() and valueOf() methods of legacy JavaScript Date objects, as well as Date.now(). However, for conversion from legacy Date to Temporal.Instant, use Date.prototype.toTemporalInstant:

legacyDate = new Date('1995-12-17T03:24Z');
instant = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(legacyDate.getTime()); // => 1995-12-17T03:24:00Z
instant = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(legacyDate); // valueOf() called implicitly
instant = legacyDate.toTemporalInstant(); // recommended

// Use fromEpochMilliseconds, for example, if you have epoch millisecond data stored in a file
todayMs = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(msReadFromFile);

// If you have epoch seconds data:
epochSecs = 1553906700;  // e.g., read from a file
instant = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(epochSecs * 1000);

Temporal.Instant.fromEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds : bigint) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object.

Same as Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(), but with nanosecond (10−9 second) precision. Also the same as new Temporal.Instant(epochNanoseconds).

If you have epoch microseconds data, you can use this function to create a Temporal.Instant from that:

epochMicros = 1553906700_000_000n;
instant = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochNanoseconds(epochMicros * 1000n);

Temporal.Instant.compare(one: Temporal.Instant | string, two: Temporal.Instant | string) : number


Returns: −1, 0, or 1.

Compares two Temporal.Instant objects. Returns an integer indicating whether one comes before or after or is equal to two.

If one and two are not Temporal.Instant objects, then they will be converted to one as if they were passed to Temporal.Instant.from().

This function can be used to sort arrays of Temporal.Instant objects. For example:

one = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1.0e12);
two = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1.1e12);
three = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1.2e12);
sorted = [three, one, two].sort(Temporal.Instant.compare);
sorted.join(' ');
// => '2001-09-09T01:46:40Z 2004-11-09T11:33:20Z 2008-01-10T21:20:00Z'


instant.epochMilliseconds : number

The value of this property is an integer number of milliseconds from the Unix epoch of January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC until instant, ignoring leap seconds. This number will be negative if instant is before 1970. The number of milliseconds is truncated towards the beginning of time.

Use this property if you need to interface with some other system that reckons time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

This method can be useful in particular to create an old-style JavaScript Date object, if one is needed. An example:

instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30T00:45Z');
new Date(instant.epochMilliseconds); // => 2019-03-30T00:45:00.000Z

// If you need epoch seconds data:
epochSecs = Math.floor(instant.epochMillieconds / 1000); // => 1553906700

instant.epochNanoseconds : bigint

Same as epochMilliseconds, but the value is a bigint with nanosecond (10−9 second) precision.

The value of this property is suitable to be passed to new Temporal.Instant().

If you need epoch microseconds data, you can divide the epoch nanoseconds by 1000, but note that bigint division is a truncation, whereas you should use floor rounding to calculate epoch microseconds in the case of a negative value. That can be done with bigints like this:

ns = instant.epochNanoseconds;
epochMicros = ns / 1000n + ((ns % 1000n) < 0n ? -1n : 0n);


instant.toZonedDateTimeISO(timeZone: object | string) : Temporal.ZonedDateTime


Returns: a Temporal.ZonedDateTime object representing the calendar date, wall-clock time, time zone offset, and timeZone, according to the reckoning of the ISO 8601 calendar, at the exact time indicated by instant.

For a list of IANA time zone names, see the current version of the IANA time zone database. A convenient list is also available on Wikipedia, although it might not reflect the latest official status.

This method always returns a Temporal.ZonedDateTime with the ISO 8601 calendar. Remember to use withCalendar() on the result if you need to do computations in other calendars.

Example usage:

// Converting a specific exact time to a calendar date / wall-clock time
timestamp = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1553993100_000);
timestamp.toZonedDateTimeISO('Europe/Berlin'); // => 2019-03-31T01:45:00+01:00[Europe/Berlin]
timestamp.toZonedDateTimeISO('UTC'); // => 2019-03-31T00:45:00+00:00[UTC]
timestamp.toZonedDateTimeISO('-08:00'); // => 2019-03-30T16:45:00-08:00[-08:00]

// What time was the Unix epoch (timestamp 0) in Bell Labs (Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA) in the Gregorian calendar?
epoch = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(0);
  // => 1969-12-31T19:00:00-05:00[America/New_York][u-ca=gregory]

// What time was the Unix epoch in Tokyo in the Japanese calendar?
zdt = epoch.toZonedDateTimeISO('Asia/Tokyo').withCalendar('japanese');
  // => 1970-01-01T09:00:00+09:00[Asia/Tokyo][u-ca=japanese]
console.log(zdt.eraYear, zdt.era);
  // => '45 showa'

instant.add(duration: Temporal.Duration | object | string) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object which is the exact time indicated by instant plus duration.

This method adds duration to instant.

The duration argument is an object with properties denoting a duration, such as { hours: 5, minutes: 30 }, or a string such as PT5H30M, or a Temporal.Duration object. If duration is not a Temporal.Duration object, then it will be converted to one as if it were passed to Temporal.Duration.from().

The years, months, weeks, and days fields of duration must be zero. Temporal.Instant is independent of time zones and calendars, and so years, months, weeks, and days may be different lengths depending on which calendar or time zone they are reckoned in. This makes an addition with those units ambiguous. To add those units, convert the Temporal.Instant to a Temporal.ZonedDateTime by specifying the desired calendar and time zone, add the duration, and then convert it back.

If the result is earlier or later than the range that Temporal.Instant can represent (approximately half a million years centered on the Unix epoch), a RangeError will be thrown.

Adding a negative duration is equivalent to subtracting the absolute value of that duration.

Example usage:

// Temporal.Instant representing five hours from now
Temporal.Now.instant().add({ hours: 5 });
fiveHours = Temporal.Duration.from({ hours: 5 });

instant.subtract(duration: Temporal.Duration | object | string) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object which is the exact time indicated by instant minus duration.

This method subtracts duration from instant.

The duration argument is an object with properties denoting a duration, such as { hours: 5, minutes: 30 }, or a string such as PT5H30M, or a Temporal.Duration object. If duration is not a Temporal.Duration object, then it will be converted to one as if it were passed to Temporal.Duration.from().

The years, months, weeks, and days fields of duration must be zero. Temporal.Instant is independent of time zones and calendars, and so years, months, weeks, and days may be different lengths depending on which calendar or time zone they are reckoned in. This makes a subtraction with those units ambiguous. To subtract those units, convert the Temporal.Instant to a Temporal.ZonedDateTime by specifying the desired calendar and time zone, subtract the duration, and then convert it back.

If the result is earlier or later than the range that Temporal.Instant can represent (approximately half a million years centered on the Unix epoch), a RangeError will be thrown.

Subtracting a negative duration is equivalent to adding the absolute value of that duration.

Example usage:

// Temporal.Instant representing this time an hour ago
Temporal.Now.instant().subtract({ hours: 1 });
oneHour = Temporal.Duration.from({ hours: 1 });

instant.until(other: Temporal.Instant | string, options?: object) : Temporal.Duration


Returns: a Temporal.Duration representing the difference between instant and other.

This method computes the elapsed time after the exact time represented by instant and until the exact time represented by other, optionally rounds it, and returns it as a Temporal.Duration object. If other is earlier than instant then the resulting duration will be negative.

If other is not a Temporal.Instant object, then it will be converted to one as if it were passed to Temporal.Instant.from().

The largestUnit option controls how the resulting duration is expressed. The returned Temporal.Duration object will not have any nonzero fields that are larger than the unit in largestUnit. A difference of two hours will become 7200 seconds when largestUnit is "seconds", for example. However, a difference of 30 seconds will still be 30 seconds even if largestUnit is "hours". A value of 'auto' means 'second', unless smallestUnit is 'hour' or 'minute', in which case largestUnit is equal to smallestUnit.

By default, the largest unit in the result is seconds. Weeks, months, years, and days are not allowed, unlike the difference methods of other Temporal types. This is because months and years can be different lengths depending on which month is meant, and whether the year is a leap year, which all depends on the start and end date of the difference. You cannot determine the start and end date of a difference between Temporal.Instants, because Temporal.Instant has no time zone or calendar. In addition, weeks can be different lengths in different calendars, and days can be different lengths when the time zone has a daylight saving transition.

To calculate the difference in days or larger units between two Temporal.Instants, first convert both (using the toZonedDateTimeISO or toZonedDateTime methods) to Temporal.ZonedDateTime objects in the same time zone and calendar. For example, you might decide to base the calculation on your user's current time zone, or on UTC, in the Gregorian calendar.

You can round the result using the smallestUnit, roundingIncrement, and roundingMode options. These behave as in the Temporal.Duration.round() method. The default is to do no rounding.

Take care when using milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds as the largest unit. For some durations, the resulting value may overflow Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and lose precision in its least significant digit(s). Nanoseconds values will overflow and lose precision after about 104 days. Microseconds can fit about 285 years without losing precision, and milliseconds can handle about 285,000 years without losing precision.

Example usage:

startOfMoonMission = Temporal.Instant.from('1969-07-16T13:32:00Z');
endOfMoonMission = Temporal.Instant.from('1969-07-24T16:50:35Z');
missionLength = startOfMoonMission.until(endOfMoonMission, { largestUnit: 'hour' });
  // => PT195H18M35S
  // example output: '195 hours 18 minutes 35 seconds'

// Rounding, for example if you don't care about the minutes and seconds
approxMissionLength = startOfMoonMission.until(endOfMoonMission, {
  largestUnit: 'hour',
  smallestUnit: 'hour'
  // => PT195H

// A billion (10^9) seconds since the epoch in different units
epoch = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(0);
billion = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1e9);
  // => PT1000000000S
epoch.until(billion, { largestUnit: 'hour' });
  // => PT277777H46M40S
ns = epoch.until(billion, { largestUnit: 'nanosecond' });
  // => PT1000000000S
ns.add({ nanoseconds: 1 });
  // => PT1000000000S
  // (lost precision)

// Calculate the difference in years, eliminating the ambiguity by
// explicitly using the corresponding calendar date in UTC:
  { largestUnit: 'year' }
  // => P31Y8M8DT1H46M40S

instant.since(other: Temporal.Instant | string, options?: object) : Temporal.Duration


Returns: a Temporal.Duration representing the difference between instant and other.

This method computes the elapsed time before the exact time represented by instant and since the exact time represented by other, optionally rounds it, and returns it as a Temporal.Duration object. If other is later than instant then the resulting duration will be negative.

This method does the same thing as the Temporal.Instant.prototype.until() method, but reversed. The outcome of instant1.since(instant2) is the same as instant1.until(instant2).negated().

Example usage:

// A billion (10^9) seconds since the epoch in different units
epoch = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0);
billion = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(1e9);
billion.since(epoch); // => PT1000000000S

instant.round(roundTo: string | object) : Temporal.Instant


Returns: a new Temporal.Instant object which is instant rounded to roundTo (if a string parameter is used) or roundingIncrement of smallestUnit (if an object parameter is used).

Rounds instant to the given unit and increment, and returns the result as a new Temporal.Instant object.

The smallestUnit option (or the value of roundTo if a string parameter is used) determines the unit to round to. For example, to round to the nearest minute, use smallestUnit: 'minute'. This option is required.

The roundingIncrement option allows rounding to an integer number of units. For example, to round to increments of a half hour, use smallestUnit: 'minute', roundingIncrement: 30.

The combination of roundingIncrement and smallestUnit must make an increment that divides evenly into 86400 seconds (one 24-hour solar day). (For example, increments of 15 minutes and 45 seconds are both allowed. 25 minutes, and 7 seconds are both not allowed.)

The roundingMode option controls how the rounding is performed.

Several pairs of modes behave the same as each other, but are both included for consistency with Temporal.Duration.round(), where they are not the same.

The default rounding mode is 'halfExpand' to match how rounding is often taught in school. Note that this is different than the 'trunc' default used by until and since options because rounding up would be an unexpected default for those operations. Other properties behave identically between these methods.

Example usage:

instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-03-30T02:45:59.999999999Z');

// Round to a particular unit
instant.round({ smallestUnit: 'second' }); // => 2019-03-30T02:46:00Z
// Round to an increment of a unit, e.g. an hour:
instant.round({ roundingIncrement: 60, smallestUnit: 'minute' });
  // => 2019-03-30T03:00:00Z
// Round to the same increment but round down instead:
instant.round({ roundingIncrement: 60, smallestUnit: 'minute', roundingMode: 'floor' });
  // => 2019-03-30T02:00:00Z

instant.equals(other: Temporal.Instant | string) : boolean


Returns: true if instant and other are equal, or false if not.

Compares two Temporal.Instant objects for equality.

This function exists because it's not possible to compare using instant == other or instant === other, due to ambiguity in the primitive representation and between Temporal types.

If you don't need to know the order in which the two times occur, then this function may be less typing and more efficient than Temporal.Instant.compare.

If other is not a Temporal.Instant object, then it will be converted to one as if it were passed to Temporal.Instant.from().

Example usage:

one = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1.0e12);
two = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1.1e12);
one.equals(two); // => false
one.equals(one); // => true

instant.toString(options?: object) : string


Returns: a string in the ISO 8601 date format representing instant.

This method overrides the Object.prototype.toString() method and provides a convenient string representation of instant. The string can be passed to Temporal.Instant.from() to create a new Temporal.Instant object.

The output precision can be controlled with the fractionalSecondDigits or smallestUnit option. If no options are given, the default is fractionalSecondDigits: 'auto', which omits trailing zeroes after the decimal point.

The value is truncated to fit the requested precision, unless a different rounding mode is given with the roundingMode option, as in Temporal.ZonedDateTime.round(). Note that rounding may change the value of other units as well.

If the timeZone option is not provided or is undefined, then the string will express the date and time in UTC and the Z offset designator will be appended. However, if the timeZone option is given, then the string will express the date and time in the given time zone, and contain the time zone's numeric UTC offset, rounded to the nearest minute.

Example usage:

instant = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(1574074321816);
instant.toString(); // => '2019-11-18T10:52:01.816Z'
instant.toString({ timeZone: 'UTC' });
// => '2019-11-18T10:52:01.816+00:00'
instant.toString({ timeZone: 'Asia/Seoul' });
// => '2019-11-18T19:52:01.816+09:00'

instant.toString({ smallestUnit: 'minute' });
// => '2019-11-18T10:52Z'
instant.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 0 });
// => '2019-11-18T10:52:01Z'
instant.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 4 });
// => '2019-11-18T10:52:01.8160Z'
instant.toString({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingMode: 'halfExpand' });
// => '2019-11-18T10:52:02Z'

instant.toLocaleString(locales?: string | array<string>, options?: object) : string


Returns: a language-sensitive representation of instant.

This method overrides Object.prototype.toLocaleString() to provide a human-readable, language-sensitive representation of instant.

The locales and options arguments are the same as in the constructor to Intl.DateTimeFormat.

Because Temporal.Instant does not carry a time zone, the time zone used for the output will be the timeZone property of options, if present; and otherwise, the current time zone from the environment, which is usually the system's time zone.

This is identical to how the time zone is determined in legacy Date's toLocaleString method.

NOTE: Be careful when calling this method in a server environment, where the server's time zone may be set to UTC.

Example usage:

instant = Temporal.Instant.from('2019-11-18T11:00:00.000Z');
instant.toLocaleString(); // example output: '2019-11-18, 3:00:00 a.m.'
instant.toLocaleString('de-DE'); // example output: '18.11.2019, 03:00:00'
instant.toLocaleString('de-DE', {
  timeZone: 'Europe/Berlin',
  year: 'numeric',
  month: 'numeric',
  day: 'numeric',
  hour: 'numeric',
  minute: 'numeric',
  timeZoneName: 'long'
}); // => '18.11.2019, 12:00 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit'
instant.toLocaleString('en-US-u-nu-fullwide-hc-h12', {
  timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata'
}); // => '11/18/2019, 4:30:00 PM'

instant.toJSON() : string

Returns: a string in the ISO 8601 date format representing instant, in the UTC time zone.

This method is like instant.toString() but always produces a string in UTC time. It is usually not called directly, but it can be called automatically by JSON.stringify().

The reverse operation, recovering a Temporal.Instant object from a string, is Temporal.Instant.from(), but it cannot be called automatically by JSON.parse(). If you need to rebuild a Temporal.Instant object from a JSON string, then you need to know the names of the keys that should be interpreted as Temporal.Instants. In that case you can build a custom "reviver" function for your use case.

Example usage:

const meeting = {
  id: 355,
  name: 'Budget review',
  location: 'https://meet.jit.si/ObjectiveTomatoesJokeSurely',
  startInstant: Temporal.Instant.from('2020-03-30T15:00-04:00[America/New_York]'),
  endInstant: Temporal.Instant.from('2020-03-30T16:00-04:00[America/New_York]')
const str = JSON.stringify(meeting, null, 2);
// =>
// {
//   "id": 355,
//   "name": "Budget review",
//   "location": "https://meet.jit.si/ObjectiveTomatoesJokeSurely",
//   "startInstant": "2020-03-30T19:00Z",
//   "endInstant": "2020-03-30T20:00Z"
// }

// To rebuild from the string:
function reviver(key, value) {
  if (key.endsWith('Instant')) return Temporal.Instant.from(value);
  return value;
JSON.parse(str, reviver);


This method overrides Object.prototype.valueOf() and always throws an exception. This is because it's not possible to compare Temporal.Instant objects with the relational operators <, <=, >, or >=. Use Temporal.Instant.compare() for this, or instant.equals() for equality.