Ecma InternationalのTC39は、JavaScript開発者、実装者、専門家などのグループで、JavaScriptの仕様をメンテナンスし発展させるためにコミュニティと協力しています。
Provides standard objects and functions for working with dates and times.
Micro waits in JS
Source Phase Imports
Proposal to enable importing modules at the source phase
Explicit Resource Management
ECMAScript Explicit Resource Management
Proposal for investigating RegExp escaping for the ECMAScript standard
Decorators for ES6 classes
Intl Locale Info
An API to expose information of locale, such as week data ( first day of a week, weekend start, weekend end), hour cycle, measurement system, commonly used calendar, etc.
Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars
Make eval-introduced global vars redeclarable
Uint8Array to/from Base64
TC39 proposal for Uint8Array<->base64/hex
Dynamic Code Brand Checks
TC39 proposal that enables flexible brand checks before dynamic code loading
Draft specification for a proposed Array.fromAsync method in JavaScript.
Legacy RegExp features in JavaScript
Legacy static properties of the RegExp constructor in JavaScript
JSON.parse source text access
Proposal for extending JSON.parse to expose input source text.
Time Zone Canonicalization
TC39 Proposal (stacked on Temporal) to improve handling of changes to the IANA Time Zone Database
Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.f16round
a proposal to add float16 TypedArrays to JavaScript