所属 Ecma International 的 TC39 是一个由 JavaScript 开发者、实现者、学者等组成的团体,与 JavaScript 社区合作维护和发展 JavaScript 的标准。
TC39 欢迎贡献。您可以通过对提案提供反馈、改进文档、编写测试或实现,或提出语言特性的想法来提供帮助。详情请看我们的贡献者指南。
要以代表的身份参加 TC39 会议,您需要是 Ecma International 的会员组织的成员(雇员、学者等)。详见:加入 Ecma。
我们在 GitHub 上开发 JavaScript(正式名称为 ECMAScript)规范,每两个月开会讨论一次提案。要了解更多关于这个过程的信息,请查看新语言功能提案的五个阶段。请参阅我们的会议议程和会议记录,了解更多信息。
Provides standard objects and functions for working with dates and times.
Deferring Module Evaluation
A proposal for introducing a way to defer evaluate of a module
Intl Locale Info
An API to expose information of locale, such as week data ( first day of a week, weekend start, weekend end), hour cycle, measurement system, commonly used calendar, etc.
Source Phase Imports
Proposal to enable importing modules at the source phase
ECMAScript Proposal, specs, and reference implementation for Error.isError
Dynamic Code Brand Checks
TC39 proposal that enables flexible brand checks before dynamic code loading
TC39 proposal to add a summation method to JavaScript
Micro waits in JS
Explicit Resource Management
ECMAScript Explicit Resource Management
Decorators for ES6 classes
Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars
Make eval-introduced global vars redeclarable
Uint8Array to/from Base64
TC39 proposal for Uint8Array<->base64/hex
Draft specification for a proposed Array.fromAsync method in JavaScript.
Legacy RegExp features in JavaScript
Legacy static properties of the RegExp constructor in JavaScript
JSON.parse source text access
Proposal for extending JSON.parse to expose input source text.
Time Zone Canonicalization
TC39 Proposal (stacked on Temporal) to improve handling of changes to the IANA Time Zone Database